How and what we name our children says much about what we want for them in life. Some names represent our yearning for them to have a special place in society and our hearts, such as the very rare names that are quite uncommon or share meaning with other words in English. Names such as "Grace" or "River Phoenix". Stage names, chosen by the person themselves represents who they want to be known as to society at large, while continuing to interact with family and friends using their given names as a special reminder to friends and family of who they are to them. Our names in life whether chosen by us, or in the case of carried down names such as most surnames have an influence on how we develop from childhood into adults, some more than others depending on our personalities - whether we are outgoing or introverted being examples.
In my immediate family, after the birth of our first son, Monique & I decided that we'd take turns naming our children. I named our first son Lucas, which meant at the time "The shining light". Monique named our second son Dylan, meaning "From the sea". And When our third and last son was born I named him Aiden, meaning "Little fire". Whether subconsciously or explicity our names have special significance in our lives. Understandably when changing our own given names legally this has special significance as it is a strong way of saying this is who I am now, the old me is now in the past.