A Modern Mystic Cookbook

This cookbook shows as closely as possible my own metaphysical beliefs on the topic of Mysticism. I've added terms starting from axioms, then I further describe words that I use in previous definitions, that need additional explanation. Modern Mystics pool knowledge, understanding, and meaning from a wide variety of metaphysical disciplines as well as personal experience.

Page 1 (Definitions)

Time: The possibility for change in a system.

Linear Time: 
A form of energy imparted to everything in the universe that has mass. Time/energy/mass equivalence. The minimum energy state of a system within the physical universe, and container for all other forms of physical energy. (caused by expanding space-time) 

Coherence: When an exchange of information occurs in two or more conscious systems there is a coherence that
occurs in their probability distributions.

Probability Distribution: The set of possible outcomes that can occur when a choice is made by a conscious system.

Well-being: In this context it is described as a state that is achieved when one or more individuals are in
alignment with their authentic self either individually, or in a group setting with 2 or more people.

Awakening: An intensive period of time where a person opens up their conscious awareness to bring subconscious themes, symbology, archetypal information, and past memories from within themselves and the collective consciousness to the forefront of
their conscious awareness. A successful harmonizing of the two leads to wisdom. An awakening causes neuroplasticity to increase for a time in the brain, similar to how our brain operates when we are very young and learning new things very quickly. Another example of neuroplasticity increasing for a time later in life is when a new recruit goes through basic training. They are broken down, given very visceral emotional experiences, where their "lens" or perceptions of self and the world around them are changed so as to facilitate their role in the military more effectively.

Wisdom: The process of improving personal truth while remaining in harmony with universal truth.

Universal Truth: That which remains consistent in consensus reality.

Science: A subset of universal truth. The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.

Personal Truth: That which we learn about ourselves while operating in harmony with universal truth.

Enlightenment: A rest break along the spiritual motorway after an awakening.

Page 2 (Definitions)

Divination: The process of making the information from past or present events more clear. Also the process of finding the most probable outcomes in the future via a Divination State, or dreaming awareness state

Divination Tools: Tools used to assist in divination. Tools such as Tarot cards, or I Ching cards (I've used I Ching cards in the past). A Modern Mystic may also use their own representations via hand drawn or created cards. And others may use AI tools to assist in the creation of their own set of divination cards or other tools. Divination tools can also be used to communicate information via the representation of standard archetypal themes, or specialised archetypal themes in the case where more personal information needs to be communicated.  

Divination State (or Dreaming Awareness State): A hypnogogic or hypnopompic state that is achieved while maintaining conscious awareness. The person's brain waves drop down below the normal Beta wave patterns seen when wide awake. This state is used to receive and communicate information available in the collective consciousness or from individuals in the collective consciousness. This state is most useful when creating new divination tools that are not already available in your divination toolkit.

Energy Signature: An energetic imprint of our current self. As we interact with people physically we learn about ourselves and others experientially. This gives us the opportunity to find and create our authentic self. As we understand our authentic self better evidenced by being in harmony with ourselves and others experientially we grow. Aspects of ourselves that we are yet to understand are played out in the collective consciousness sometimes in negative ways, until we can integrate the lessons that need to be learned(see grace). As discussed in the ESP manuals, the collective consciousness also has a mental aspect, where when new truths are learned (can be scientific truths, universal truths or personal truths) they can be quickly expressed in different places in the world at similar times, (months to years) without any actual physical contact or connections. The internet is an example of a strong physical connection where new truths can be tested and learned quickly.

Karma: A representation of unresolved internal conflict in our energy signature. In this context it is not a representation of the need to remove all attachments and become compassion at your inner core. An example of "bad" karma expressed would be a person acting out in violent ways, both personally with immediate contacts(on the microcosm), or how this is expressed through the collective consciousness as a ripple effect that results from this. An example of "good" karma expressed would be an individual devaluing a person or group of people by lifting up one person or group of people unfairly(as seen in the context of the individual's relationship with the person or group) A practical example of a colloquial term used to describe this would be a "clique"(as a personal judgement). As we live in a world of dualities karma is a valuable tool in aiding us discover and create our authentic self. Our understanding of self is more complete when we understand the roles of both cause and effect in a situation or event in our lives that has special personal meaning. 

Ripple Effect: How your thoughts and actions affect your immediate contacts such as friends, family, work colleagues and members of the hospitality industry - including how this plays out in the collective consciousness over time. Also how your thoughts and actions affect global contacts via such things as the internet, mobile phones and the observer effect.

Incarnation: Our current individuated soul expression. A combination of the apportioned energy signature of all previous incarnations (not 100% but a portion of) and this lifetime's inner ember(our souls are multi-dimensional in nature). Our first incarnation is where no previous energy has been added to our inner ember.

Inner Ember: is originally created by our genetic heritage, and forms our energy signature as we mature in combination with any previous energy signature apportioned from previous incarnations. Though a symbolic representation, it is the part of us that shares a connection with others in the collective consciousness while we are alive here in the physical.

Reincarnation: When a soul decides to apportion some of their energy signature to a new lifetime in the physical.

Grace: An often used term in religious circles to mean the gift of divine favour, and the divine influence operating in individuals.
In this metaphysical context it is an expression of our "soul energy". When we incarnate we are apportioned a certain amount of the energy signature of our multi-dimensioned soul. For some incarnations we want less, or more and it is our own choice depending on the story we have planned for ourselves during our lifetime. Our experiences during our lifetimes aid us in finding the truth of who we are, that is divine source. Our consciousness becomes a unique flame of divine source as our experience of coming to know the truth of who we are is unique to one's self. Our energy signature is then a fingerprint of our individuated spark of divine source.