The Time Machine
The post-apocalyptic story "The Time Machine" by H. G. Wells, written in 1895 remains one of Sci-Fi's all time well loved classics of the genre. It was made into a film in 1960, again in 1978 and in 2002. The 2002 version added a lost love (killed by a thief), motivating him to create time travel technology in order to go back and save her. Finding that he is unable to save her he searches forward through time in order to find an answer that might help him get her back. I recently re-watched "The Time Machine" and wanted to create some music that captured some of the feel and vibe of the story.
A video I put together with elements created with AI. The music is titled "Transdimensional".
In the modern digital information age, our social media presence, websites, and other digital repositories become an extension of ourselves. As we progress into the later half of the 2020's our cultures and societies continue to be more and more influenced by the digital space.
A mystic journey in song form.
A song created to accompany the TV series Ahsoka.
A song influenced by many of the themes and ideas seen in the Matrix trilogy movies.
The natural world, our place within it. How rare and special life is, and treating yourself with the same kindness you wish to give to others.