Similar to a light mantra using Sanskrit and English translation.
"Jyotirāharāmi, jyotirutsṛjāmi. Viśvam mayi sthitam, aham viśve sthitaḥ"
"I breathe in the light.
I breathe out the light.
The universe finds itself in me,
and I within it"
Part 2. A focus using Sanskrit and English translation.
Kamalam sphuṭati,
The lotus opens
ātmā satyam anubhavati,
The soul finds truth
Sarve padārthāḥ parivartante,
All material things change.
Antar satyam anveṣaya,
Search for the truth within.
Part 3. The final focus using Sanskrit and English translation.
Viśvasvapnāt mama udayaḥ,
From the universe's dream, my emergence.
Mama svapnāt viśvasya udayaḥ,
From my dream, the universe emerges.
Satyam ātmanā jāyate,
Reality becomes the self.
Cakraṃ parisamāpyate,
The circle is complete.