Music & Mantras For Altered Focus States

Mantras are ancient sound tools used to focus the mind and alter our conscious state. They can be used for:

Quieting the Mind's Chatter: They calm the restless mind, creating space for deeper insights and intuition to arise.
Connecting to Inner Wisdom: Facilitating a direct connection to the innate wisdom and clarity that resides within each of us.
Shifting Consciousness: Through their resonant frequencies, awakening mantras can shift our state of consciousness, allowing us to experience expanded awareness.
Cultivating Self-Realization: Guide us toward self-realization, the recognition of our true, awakened nature.

Musical compositions can be used in the same way, and for the same purposes as mantras. Creating your own compositions are likely the best way to do this, however I've included my own below to act as an example of how they can be created and used. They are in three parts. 

Jyoti "Light"

Similar to a light mantra using Sanskrit and English translation.

"Jyotirāharāmi, jyotirutsṛjāmi. Viśvam mayi sthitam, aham viśve sthitaḥ"

"I breathe in the light.

I breathe out the light.

The universe finds itself in me,

and I within it"

Satya "Truth"

Part 2. A focus using Sanskrit and English translation.

Kamalam sphuṭati,

The lotus opens

ātmā satyam anubhavati,

The soul finds truth

Sarve padārthāḥ parivartante,

All material things change.

Antar satyam anveṣaya,

Search for the truth within.

Brahman "Reality"

Part 3. The final focus using Sanskrit and English translation.

Viśvasvapnāt mama udayaḥ,

From the universe's dream, my emergence.

Mama svapnāt viśvasya udayaḥ,

From my dream, the universe emerges.

Satyam ātmanā jāyate,

Reality becomes the self.

Cakraṃ parisamāpyate,

The circle is complete.